Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Flat Stanley visits Hull City Centre

Hi Miss Mason and class,

Hiya boys and girls!

Did you notice I said "hiya"? That's how English people greet each other. 

We say "ya'll" in Alabama, which really means 'you all'. English people think it sounds funny when we say 'ya'll' (just like we think it sounds funny when they say 'hiya'). 

Today was so much fun! I can't wait to show you the pictures of the City Centre in Hull. (In British English, they sometimes spell words differently from us, like the word center).

We got to see so many beautiful old buildings and statues. My favorite is this one of Queen Victoria. It sits in the middle of the city in a big square and the City Hall and shops surround her. (That's the City Hall in the background).

Did you know that Queen Victoria was Queen for 63 years and that she holds the record for being the longest reigning Queen in history?!

She is also famous for something else quite extraordinary. I suppose I'll just have to tell you what it is since you might be there all day trying to guess.

When her husband, Prince Albert, died in 1861 she was so sad that she wore a black dress and mourned for him for 40 years! Can you believe that?

She was also famous for being Queen when Britain was an empire that stretched all the way around the world. 

(Oh, I forgot to tell you that the reason I am not in this picture is that the statue is so tall, I couldn't get in. But, I'm in a close-up which I will show you next).

Here I am, holding the British flag in front of the Statue of Queen Victoria.

I guess you noticed that this flag is different to the England flag. That's because England is only one part of the island called Great Britain. The other two parts are Scotland and Wales.

Well, I have to go for now because we are going out to see a friend tonight and have a nice chat for a while. I'll send more pictures later.

See ya!

Flat Stanley

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