Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Beverley Museum again

Hiya, I'm back....

I have the picture I promised you that is the biggest picture of cows in the world! What do you think about it?

HaHa can you find me among all the cows?

Did you know this is the largest cattle picture in the world? It is so huge that it takes up an entire wall!  It was painted a very long time ago (1860s) by Mr. Henry William Banks Davis (R.A.) He sure had a long name, didn't he?

Can you guess what an R.A. is? Well, don't worry, I didn't know either until the museum curator told us that it was a very special thing to be called an R. A. It means Royal Academician.

 Royal Academicians are some of the best artists in the world and the Royal Academy is one of the best art schools. You have to be invited by the group of R.A.s to join and there are only 80.

Well, our next trip was to the city of York. That was even more awesome to see! I hope you will like what I have to show you. We went to the York Minster and to a very special place that I am sure you will all be excited to see the pictures. (The Railway Museum)!

Bye for now,

Flat Stanley

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Flat Stanley visits Beverly

Hiya again boys and girls!

Here I am at the Beverly Museum. Beverly is a small city near Hull and one day we went on a trip there.

Can you guess what I am riding on? Isn't he just beautiful? He's an ostrich made entirely out of little bits of leather. He is SO big...just the size of a real live ostrich.

Have you ever seen an ostrich at the zoo? This one was made by a local artist and he is on loan to the museum here. It was such fun getting a ride on him!

I have to go to sleep now, but next time I will show you the ENORMOUS picture of cows...the biggest ever!

TA for now,

Flat Stanley